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European Parliament President Metsola announcing the Sakharov prize 2023 winner against a backdrop of flags
  • Press release

The European Parliament has awarded the 2023 Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought to Jina Mahsa Amini and the Woman, Life, Freedom Movement in Iran. The prize honours the memory of Jina Mahsa Amini, who was murdered last year in Iran, and all the women struggling for equality and freedom in Iran.

The port of Antwerp
  • Press release

The Commission has proposed measures to help the EU step up its fight against drug trafficking and criminal networks, which are a major EU security threat. A new plan sets out 17 actions in 4 priority areas, including a European Ports Alliance to beat criminal infiltration in ports.

Person's arm holding out a sieve full of plastic pellets on a beach
  • Press release

The Commission is proposing steps to prevent microplastic pollution from the unintentional release of plastic pellets. All operators handling pellets in the EU will need to take necessary precautionary measures which are expected to reduce pellet release by up to 74%.

General Affairs and External Relations Council
  • Press release

Six journalists have picked up prizes at this year’s edition of the Commission’s Lorenzo Natali Media Prize. The winners’ investigative work exposed systematic persecution in Venezuela, a European green finance project contributing to deforestation, and the reputation of the Russian military.

Shopping centre
  • News article

You can get a snapshot of the most pressing challenges faced by regions and cities across Europe in the Committee of the Regions’ EU Annual Report on the State of Regions and Cities. Published on 9 October, it gives examples of how locally elected leaders are tackling these challenges.

brown dog standing on river bank
  • Press release

The EU has adopted new rules on the labelling of organic pet food, which will make it easier for pet owners to buy organic food for their pets. At the same time, the new law will make it easier for producers to enter the organic pet food market and will improve certainty for EU consumers.

  • News article

The winners of the European Green Cities 2025 Awards have been announced in Tallinn, Estonia. Vilnius (Lithuania) will be the 2025 European Green Capital, and Viladecans (Spain) and Treviso (Italy) both won the title of European Green Leaf 2025 for smaller cities.

Solar panels
  • Press release

In a world first, the European Parliament has adopted a new voluntary standard for the use of a “European Green Bond” label. Products bearing this label will enable investors to direct their money more confidently towards more sustainable technologies and businesses.

A view of the archeological site at Pompeii
  • Press release

After 10 years, a major project to restore the Pompeii archaeological site has come to a successful conclusion thanks to €105 million of EU support, including €78 million of cohesion funding. 70 buildings were rebuilt and the site is now accessible to people with reduced mobility.

Visit of Adina Vălean, European Commissioner, to Romania
  • Press release

The European Parliament has approved a new trade tool to defend the EU from economic blackmail. The Anti-Coercion Instrument will let the EU respond with countermeasures, should it or member states face economic blackmail from a foreign country. It is due to be adopted by the Council this month.

Cancer Treatments - Mammography, breast ultrasound and breast MRI
  • Press release

The new digital platform features a public catalogue of cancer imaging datasets and improves the use of innovative data-driven solutions for cancer treatment and care. It links up 36 datasets of images of 9 cancer types for a total of over 200 000 image series of about 20 000 individuals.