Featured news
All featured news are available in the 24 EU official languages via machine translation.

A survey of young people in the EU has found that the cost of living and the environment are their main concerns. 31% also believe the economic situation and job creation should be a priority. 42% cited social media as their top source of information on political and social issues.

Thirteen people have been arrested for illegally disposing 35 000 tonnes of hazardous waste in Croatia. The environmental crime network is believed to have made €4 million by illegally importing hazardous waste from Italy, Slovenia and Germany to Croatia. Europol supported the investigations.

The 27 winners of ‘Juvenes Translatores', the European Commission’s translation contest for secondary schools, have been announced. Some 3070 pupils tried their hand at translating a text between any two of the EU's 24 official languages. There was one winner for each EU country.
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The common principles and values that underlie life in the EU: freedom, democracy, equality and the rule of law, promoting peace and stability.
Discover the EU’s priorities for 2024-2029, promoting a free and democratic Europe, developing a strong and secure Europe, establishing a prosperous and competitive Europe.
Find out how many EU Member States there are, how big the EU economy is, how people live in the EU, and other useful facts about the EU.
Discover what the EU does for citizens, how it protects rights, promotes prosperity and strives to make the world a safer place.
Learn more about the EU in these handy publications on how the EU works, from the euro and law, to history and travel.