The Commission has registered 2 new European Citizens' Initiatives. The first calls for an action plan for water, reducing our water footprint and improving water efficiency of industry and agriculture. The second calls for expert consensus on psychedelic care standards and the rollout of therapies.
The State of the Energy Union 2024 report finds the EU has withstood critical risks in 2023-24 to its security of energy supply, regained control over the energy market and prices, and accelerated the transition towards climate neutrality.
Nearly 100,000 mpox vaccine doses have arrived in the Democratic Republic of Congo, with a second delivery of around 100,000 vaccines expected to arrive shortly. The EU’s Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority procured these vaccines as a response to the mpox outbreak in Africa.
Več informacij
Skupna načela in vrednote, ki so temelj življenja v EU: svoboda, demokracija, enakost in pravna država, spodbujanje miru in stabilnosti.
Več o prednostnih nalogah EU za obdobje 2024–2029, spodbujanju svobodne in demokratične Evrope, razvoju močne in varne Evrope ter oblikovanju uspešne in konkurenčne Evrope.
Način financiranja in porabe proračuna EU, upravljanje sredstev EU, področja odhodkov, pregled dejstev o proračunu EU
Spoznajte, kaj EU počne za državljane in državljanke, kako varuje pravice, krepi blaginjo in si prizadeva za varnejši svet.
Več o EU preberite v teh priročnih publikacijah o delovanju Unije, od evra in prava do zgodovine in potovanj.