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Novice so prek strojnega prevoda na voljo v vseh 24 uradnih jezikih EU.

A man working on a green car
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The European Commission has presented an Action Plan for a thriving car industry that creates jobs, drives growth, and protects the environment. The Plan includes funding worth €1.8 billion to create a secure and competitive supply chain for battery raw materials.

Man and woman sat at desk in front of computer
  • News article

The Union of Skills focuses on delivering higher levels of basic skills, providing lifelong opportunities for adults to regularly upskill and reskill, making recruitment across the EU easier for businesses, and attracting and retaining the skills and talents needed in the EU.

Cybersecurity of hospitals - St. Michael's Hospital in Bratislava
  • News article

Rare diseases represent a big challenge for healthcare systems due to the limited knowledge available to diagnose them and the limited number of treatment options. The EU is facilitating knowledge sharing and access to specialised care to improve patient access to diagnosis, information and care.

Več informacij

Skupna načela in vrednote, ki so temelj življenja v EU: svoboda, demokracija, enakost in pravna država, spodbujanje miru in stabilnosti.

Spoznajte, kaj EU počne za državljane in državljanke, kako varuje pravice, krepi blaginjo in si prizadeva za varnejši svet.

Učno gradivo, igre in še mnogo več o Evropski uniji in njenih dejavnostih za otroke, najstnike, učitelje in starše.

Več o EU preberite v teh priročnih publikacijah o delovanju Unije, od evra in prava do zgodovine in potovanj.