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Novice so prek strojnega prevoda na voljo v vseh 24 uradnih jezikih EU.

Public charging stations for electric vehicles
  • Press release

Around 2,500 electric recharging points for cars, vans and small trucks will be installed across Europe thanks to an EU alternative fuels initiative. Some 39 projects will get €422 million in EU funding to carry out the work as well as several other plans to decarbonise the EU’s transport network.

Man checking item bought online and delivered home
  • News article

Do you order products online from non-EU traders? Good news! The EU is addressing risks associated with imported low-value products. A new initiative aims to better protect consumers like you, ensuring you get safe and high-quality products while addressing their impact on the environment.

Young woman enjoys the river Soča, Trenta valley, Primorska
  • Press release

Newly published reports show more action is needed to protect the EU's waters and better manage flood risks. The Commission looked at how key pieces of EU water legislation are implemented and issued tailored recommendations to EU countries.

Več informacij

Skupna načela in vrednote, ki so temelj življenja v EU: svoboda, demokracija, enakost in pravna država, spodbujanje miru in stabilnosti.

Spoznajte, kaj EU počne za državljane in državljanke, kako varuje pravice, krepi blaginjo in si prizadeva za varnejši svet.

Učno gradivo, igre in še mnogo več o Evropski uniji in njenih dejavnostih za otroke, najstnike, učitelje in starše.

Več o EU preberite v teh priročnih publikacijah o delovanju Unije, od evra in prava do zgodovine in potovanj.