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Sve novosti dostupne su na 24 službena jezika putem strojnog prijevoda.

  • Press release

Yamê from France won the Grand Jury Music Moves Europe Award at the Music Moves Europe Awards 2025 in the Netherlands. The 5 other winners were Kingfishr (Ireland), Naomi Sharon (Netherlands), Night Tapes (Estonia), UCHE YARA (Austria), Judeline (Spain).

group of small children listening to a teacher in Gaza
  • Press release

The EU has announced a new €120 million aid package for Gaza as part of its long-standing commitment to support Palestinians in need. The aid package will include food, healthcare, sanitation, and shelter assistance. EU humanitarian aid to Gaza now totals over €450 million since 2023.

  • Press release

With more than 300 million people estimated to need humanitarian assistance in 2025, the EU has announced a €1.9 billion humanitarian budget for 2025. The aid will broadly go to the Middle East, Ukraine, Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean, and Asia and the Pacific.

Saznajte više

Zajednička načela i vrijednosti koje su temelj života u EU-u: sloboda, demokracija, jednakost i vladavina prava, promicanje mira i stabilnosti

Saznajte što EU čini za građane, kako štiti prava, promiče blagostanje i nastoji svijet učiniti sigurnijim.

Nastavni materijali, igre i mnogo više o Europskoj uniji i njezinim aktivnostima za djecu, mlade, učitelje i roditelje.