On International Day of Women and Girls in Science on 11 February, the EU reaffirms its commitment to support the scientific aspirations of young girls and women. By driving change for gender equality in research and innovation, the EU hopes to encourage more women to take up a career in science.

Around 2,500 electric recharging points for cars, vans and small trucks will be installed across Europe thanks to an EU alternative fuels initiative. Some 39 projects will get €422 million in EU funding to carry out the work as well as several other plans to decarbonise the EU’s transport network.

Do you order products online from non-EU traders? Good news! The EU is addressing risks associated with imported low-value products. A new initiative aims to better protect consumers like you, ensuring you get safe and high-quality products while addressing their impact on the environment.
Saznajte više
Zajednička načela i vrijednosti koje su temelj života u EU-u: sloboda, demokracija, jednakost i vladavina prava, promicanje mira i stabilnosti
Saznajte više o prioritetima EU-a za razdoblje 2024. – 2029.: slobodnoj i demokratskoj, snažnoj i sigurnoj te prosperitetnoj i konkurentnoj Europi.
Saznajte koliko EU ima država članica, koliko je veliko gospodarstvo EU-a, kako ljudi žive u EU-u i druge korisne činjenice o EU-u.
Saznajte što EU čini za građane, kako štiti prava, promiče blagostanje i nastoji svijet učiniti sigurnijim.
U praktičnim publikacijama saznajte više o tome kako EU funkcionira, od eura i zakonodavstva pa do povijesti i putovanja.