Public tenders and contracts | European Union
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Public procurement, tenders and contracts within the European Union

Contracts awarded by EU institutions, agencies and other bodies

The EU institutions use public procurement contracts to buy services, works and goods, e.g. studies, training, conference organisation, IT equipment. They award public contracts through calls for tender.

As part of the single market, EU law sets out minimum public procurement rules to safeguard the core principles of transparency, equal treatment, open competition, and sound procedural management. This creates a competitive, open and well-regulated procurement market to support growth in jobs and investments in the EU.

Follow the links below to access EU procurement procedures, rules and opportunities.

European public procurement opportunities

Access and browse open tenders and contracts published by national public buyers across the European Union and other European countries.

Open tenders for services to European Union institutions

Access and browse open tenders and contracts published by all the EU institutions, bodies and agencies through the dedicated eTendering platform.

Procedures for European public tenders and contracts

Information on the rules and procedures to bid for a public tender within the EU and which types of tender are covered by either EU or national rules.

Report unfair EU public procurement procedures

How to request a review of a public tender procedure if you have noticed any irregularity, or feel you have been discriminated against.