Studying, training, volunteering | European Union
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Studying, training and volunteering in the European Union

Learning in Europe

The European Union helps its member countries in their efforts to provide the best education and training opportunities for their citizens. It also promotes language learning in Europe by:

  • attracting more teachers and students to teach and learn languages
  • encouraging students, trainees, teachers and young people to travel and study/work abroad
  • building networks to share knowledge and experience

Whether you want to study, train or volunteer, there are a number of EU programmes that can help you further your education, skills and personal development in many EU countries.


Thinking of studying abroad?

Find out how to apply, how long courses last, how much they cost and what language skills you would need.

Need financial support for studying or training?

The Erasmus+ programme provides funding, tools and resources.

Are you a student from a non-EU country?

Discover everything you need to know about how to plan and complete your studies in Europe.


Interested in volunteering?

There are many ways to volunteer for both European and international projects. Read about the possibilities on offer.

Research opportunities

Are you interested in attending a university or research institution in another EU country, to work with other researchers or on projects linked to or similar to your own research?

Find research jobs and funding by country

The EURAXESS portal lists thousands of vacancies and fellowships from over 40 European countries and other regions around the world.

Are you looking for the results of EU research?

You’ll find all EU publications, libraries, archives and other data sources here.

Going into business

Are you a young entrepreneur?

In addition to funding education and employment initiatives, the EU also finances an exchange programme between different EU countries for aspiring young entrepreneurs and provides direct funding to young farmers.

General information

The Youth Portal is a central information source for all EU initiatives on learning, working and volunteering. You’ll also find travel tips, information on school exchanges and other EU initiatives such as the EU Youth Dialogue and the European Solidarity Corps.