European Union priorities 2024-2029 - European Union
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European Union priorities 2024-2029

Following the European elections in June 2024, the EU set a number of priorities that shape the political and policy agenda until 2029. They serve to address the main challenges faced by the EU and its citizens.

The priorities derive from a dialogue between EU leaders, national ministers, EU institutions and the political groups elected to the European Parliament. In June 2024, the European Council set out its priorities in the 2024-2029 EU strategic agenda. This serves as inspiration for the European Commission’s political priorities which it draws up before taking office for a 5-year term.

Learn more about how EU priorities are set

EU strategic agenda for 2024-2029

In their 2024-2029 strategic agenda, EU leaders set out 3 priority areas to guide the work of the EU institutions over these 5 years. The need for a clear strategic plan has become ever more pressing. In the past few years, the EU has faced many crises, from the fight against climate change to the COVID-19 pandemic and supporting Ukraine following Russia’s war of aggression. By focusing on new priority areas, the EU will help make Europe more sovereign and better equipped to deal with future challenges.

The 3 priorities are:

A free and democratic Europe

  • upholding European values within the EU
  • living up to EU values at global level

A strong and secure Europe

  • ensuring coherent and influential external action
  • strengthening EU security and defence, and protecting EU citizens
  • preparing for a bigger and stronger Union
  • pursuing a comprehensive approach to migration and border management

A prosperous and competitive Europe

  • bolstering the EU’s competitiveness
  • making a success of the green and digital transitions
  • promoting an innovation- and business-friendly environment
  • advancing together

Commission priorities for 2024-2029

The President of the Commission determined 7 priorities for the 2024-2029 mandate of the European Commission. They build on the Council’s EU strategic agenda and discussions with the political groups of the European Parliament.

The priorities are:

A new plan for Europe’s sustainable prosperity and competitiveness

Making business easier to foster economic growth, supporting EU’s competitive industries and creating quality jobs, developing a circular and resilient economy that puts research and innovation at its heart and accelerates investment, tackling the skills and labour gaps and leading the way in digital technology innovation.

A new era for European Defence and Security

Ensuring that European citizens are safer and more secure by building a European Defence Union, addressing all threats online and offline and being prepared to react to crises. Strengthening our common borders and managing migration fairly and firmly.

Supporting people, strengthening our societies and our social model

Sustaining and improving the quality of life we enjoy today in Europe by promoting social fairness in the modern economy, strengthening solidarity among citizens by reuniting our societies and supporting young people, and ensuring equal opportunities for all.

Sustaining our quality of life: Food security, water and nature

Building a competitive and resilient agriculture and food system and safeguarding biodiversity to support our farmers and safeguard our healthy food. Adapting and preparing for a changing climate to be ready and help those affected.

Protecting our democracy, upholding our values

Protecting and defending democracy and increasing societal resilience and preparedness, strengthening the rule of law for a fair and well-functioning society, championing civic engagement and participation to bring citizens’ ideas to the heart of policy-making.

A global Europe: Leveraging our power and partnerships

Working on enlarging the EU to increase our influence on the global stage; focusing on our wider neighbourhood to promote peace, partnerships and economic stability; pursuing a new economic foreign policy and reforming the international system to make it fit for today’s world.

Delivering together and preparing our Union for the future

Developing a simpler, more impactful EU budget to deliver funds where they matter the most; implementing reforms to ensure the proper functioning of a larger union and strengthening the partnership between the European Commission and the European Parliament to help us deliver more effectively together.

Commission’s priorities for 2024-2029

Visual story: The European Commission 2024-2029: Our priorities for Europe’s strength and unity

Commission’s actions by topic