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Featured news

Read a selection of the featured news from across the EU's institutions and bodies.

Europe Day at the European Institutions
  • Press release

The talks for Ukraine to join the EU have officially started. Work is now underway to prepare negotiations in specific areas. The EU will continue to support the people of Ukraine against Russia’s ongoing war for as long as it takes.

The European and Moldovian flags
  • Press release

The EU has held its first intergovernmental conference to open accession negotiations with the Republic of Moldova. Preparations for talks on specific topics are ongoing. The EU stands by Moldova to address the challenges relating to Russia’s war in Ukraine.

Group of young children playing in Mali
  • Press release

The EU has adopted updated EU Guidelines on Children and Armed Conflict to strengthen the EU’s contribution to the respect, protection, and fulfilment of children’s rights in armed conflict. The guidelines take new developments into account, such as greater threats from the use of new technologies.


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