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Woman choosing cosmetics from a stand in a shop
  • Press release

In 2023, cosmetics was the most frequent type of product notified as posing a health risk, according to Safety Gate, the European rapid alert system for dangerous non-food products. Last year marked the highest amount of alerts recorded since the system was launched in 2003.

  • News article

The Commission has presented steps to manage climate risks in Europe that set out how the EU and its countries can implement policies that save lives, cut costs, and protect prosperity. This follows the most recent scientific advice and responds to many Europeans' concerns.

  • News article

At a time of increased geopolitical tensions, the EU has continued to successfully tackle the issues that concern Europeans most in 2023, whilst remaining on track to deliver on the political priorities. That is according to the new edition of the EU General Report, which was published today.

  • News article

The Digital Markets Act has entered into force which covers services such as search engines, online marketplaces, app stores, online advertising and messaging. The new rules will give new rights, more control and access to European consumers and businesses.

Lili Bulk and La Ferme nos Pilifs, an example of circular economy
  • Press release

EU countries and the European Parliament have agreed on a new law on packaging and its waste. Packaging will need to be safe, sustainable and recyclable. Packaging waste generated in the EU should be reduced and certain types of single-use packaging restricted.

Child carrying two buckets on a construction site
  • Press release

An EU deal has been struck to ban products made with forced labour. Companies suspected of using forced labour will be investigated and if found guilty, will see their goods confiscated at EU borders. Products can be allowed back on the market if forced labour is eliminated from supply chains.

  • News article

From tackling a global pandemic to dealing with climate change’s extreme weather events, from responding to Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine to managing the worst energy crisis in decades, the Commission has acted on the concerns of citizens.

Biodiversity - Volunteering for nature
  • News article

The Commission is investing over €233 million in 12 new projects across Europe to support the implementation of the EU's environmental and climate ambitions. The funding will go to Bulgaria, Czechia, Ireland, Spain, France, Italy, Lithuania, Austria, Poland and Finland.

Participation of Jutta Urpilainen, European Commissioner, in the EU-Latin America and the Caribbean Forum
  • Press release

European citizens are discussing the benefits and challenges of increasing energy efficiency in a newly formed group. This panel, made up of 150 randomly selected citizens from all 27 EU countries, will come up with recommendations that will shape future EU Green Deal policies.

  • News article

About 40% of cancer cases in the EU are preventable. Safe and effective vaccines exist and could save a lot of lives.
The Commission has therefore put forward new recommendations to support Member States in their efforts to prevent cancer through vaccination, as part of Europe's Beating Cancer Plan.

  • News article

On 31 January, the European Commission will pay tribute to Jacques Delors in a ceremony at the Commission headquarters in Brussels. President von der Leyen and other high-level guests will commemorate this great European who shaped and greatly contributed to the European project.

Winter drinks
  • Press release

Information for consumers on honey, fruit jams, fruit juices and dehydrated milk is set to be updated thanks to newly agreed EU rules. The current rules on the composition, labelling, and naming of these ‘breakfast’ foodstuffs will be revised to help us make more informed and healthier choices.