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Latest news from EU institutions and bodies

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Latest news from EU institutions and bodies (506)

Showing results 1 to 10
  • 23 July 2024
All of Parliament’s 20 standing committees and four subcommittees are holding their constitutive meetings on Tuesday to elect their Chair and Vice-Chairs.Committee on Constitutional AffairsCommittee on Foreign AffairsCommittee on Agriculture and Rural DevelopmentCommittee on BudgetsCommittee on Budgetary ControlCommittee on Culture and EducationCommittee on DevelopmentCommittee on Economic and Monetary AffairsCommittee on Employment and Social AffairsCommittee on the Environment, Public Health and Food SafetyCommittee on Women’s Rights and Gender EqualityCommittee on the Internal Market and Consumer ProtectionCommittee on International TradeCommittee on Industry, Research and EnergyCommittee on Legal AffairsCommittee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home AffairsCommittee on FisheriesCommittee on PetitionsCommittee on Regional DevelopmentCommittee on Transport and TourismSubcommittee on Human RightsSubcommittee on Tax MattersSubcommittee on Public HealthSubcommittee on Security and Defence Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP
  • 22 July 2024
The European Investment Bank (EIB) Group will expand its support for Ukraine’s economy by strengthening critical energy infrastructure, facilitating access to financing for businesses and boosting trade with the EU. EIB Group President Nadia Calviño briefed European Union foreign ministers about the latest round of support measures at a meeting today in Brussels.