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Featured news

Read a selection of the featured news from across the EU's institutions and bodies.

Biodiversity Belgium - Beekeeping
  • Press release

The EU has approved a law on nature restoration that will help put measures in place to restore at least 20% of the EU’s land and sea areas by 2030, and all ecosystems in need of restoration by 2050. The new law will reduce the impact of climate change and the effects of natural disasters.

Train travel
  • Press release

A new EU law will help build a reliable, seamless, and high-quality transport network in Europe. Improvements will be made gradually until 2050. For example, Porto and Vigo will get a new high-speed connection, while the travel time by train between Copenhagen and Hamburg will be cut by almost half.

Biodiversity - Sea turtles
  • News article

Out of 288 applications, three citizen science initiatives won for their achievements in: agricultural biodiversity and seed preservation; the use of digital technologies to develop personalised approaches for mental health problems; and for transformative knowledge that addresses marine pollution.


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