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The Commission proposes a comprehensive set of measures to ensure the EU's security of supply, resilience and technological leadership in semiconductor technologies and applications.
Today, the Commission presented the transition pathway for tourism during the EU Industry Days.

The Commission is presenting a new Standardisation Strategy outlining our approach to standards within the Single Market as well as globally.
Today, the Commission decided to register a European Citizens' Initiative (ECI) entitled ‘Win It On The Pitch'. The organisers of the initiative call on the Commission to protect a European model of sport “based on values, solidarity, sustainability and open competition”.
The European Commission has today presented a Taxonomy Complementary Climate Delegated Act on climate change mitigation and adaptation covering certain gas and nuclear activities.

The draft declaration on digital rights and principles aims to give everyone a clear reference point about the kind of digital transformation Europe promotes and defends. It will also provide a guide for policy makers and companies when dealing with new technologies.
Today, as part of the on-going work to build a strong European Health Union, the Council has adopted the Regulation revising the mandate of the European Medicines Agency (EMA), taking an important step towards EMA's reinforcement in crisis preparedness and management for medicinal products...
The European Parliament and Commission are today releasing a joint Special Eurobarometer on the Future of Europe.

Under the new recommendation, COVID-19 measures should be applied taking into account the person's health status rather than the epidemiological situation at regional level, with the exception of areas where the virus is circulating at very high levels (dark red areas).

The Foreign Affairs Council was updated on the latest developments in Russia’s military build-up around Ukraine and had a discussion on the European security situation, covering also the situation in Belarus and Kazakhstan.
Today, the new European Union Agency for Asylum starts work with its reinforced mandate, building on the achievements of its predecessor, the European Asylum Support Office. The new agency is a key deliverable under the New Pact on Migration and Asylum.

Roberta Metsola won the election in the first voting round, where she received an absolute majority of 458 votes out of 690 cast in the remote secret vote, among three candidates.

Today, European society needs the contribution of universities and other higher education institutions more than ever.
Ministers held a policy debate on the proposed Council directive on ensuring a global minimum level of taxation for multinational groups in the Union. This comes after the Commission tabled its proposal for a directive at the end of December.

The French Minister for Agriculture and Food, Julien Denormandie, presented the presidency’s priorities in the area of agriculture and fisheries.
The Eurogroup had a thematic discussion on economic adjustment and resilience in terms of recent performance of the euro area compared to international peers, based on input from the European Commission.

MEPs honoured the memory of Parliament’s late President David Maria Sassoli in a ceremony during the Plenary in Strasbourg on Monday.

As one of the first concrete initiatives under the 2022 European Year of Youth, the Commission published its proposal for a Council Recommendation on youth volunteering to facilitate transnational youth volunteering under the European Solidarity Corps or other schemes at national level.

The Commission has adopted the 2022 work programme of Creative Europe, which will be followed by the launch of the relevant calls for proposals.
European Parliament President David Sassoli passed away on 11 January. The Parliament will honour his memory in a ceremony on Monday in Strasbourg.