Clean Hydrogen Joint Undertaking | European Union
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Clean Hydrogen Joint Undertaking

Clean Hydrogen Joint Undertaking


  • Role: The Clean Hydrogen Joint Undertaking or Clean Hydrogen Partnership is a unique public-private partnership supporting research and innovation (R&I) activities in hydrogen technologies in Europe. It builds upon the success of its predecessor, the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking.
  • Executive Director: Valerie Bouillon-Delporte
  • Set up: 2021
  • Number of staff: 31
  • Location: Brussels, Belgium  
  • Website: Clean Hydrogen Joint Undertaking 

The Clean Hydrogen Partnership’s main aim is to contribute to the EU Green Deal and hydrogen strategy by funding of R&I activities.

What it does

The Clean Hydrogen Partnership aims to scale up the development and deployment of the European value chain for safe and sustainable clean hydrogen technologies, strengthening its competitiveness to support business, especially SMEs. This enables innovative competitive clean solutions to be quickly put on the market.

The end goal is to contribute to:

  • a sustainable, decarbonised and fully-integrated EU energy system
  • the EU’s hydrogen strategy, playing an important role in implementing its roadmap towards climate neutrality.

Who benefits

The public – it will help achieve the 2030 energy and climate targets and most importantly make climate neutrality possible by 2050.

The economy – it will help people acquire industry-related skills and secure a European labour force able to develop the cutting-edge technology needed to remain leaders in the market.

Small & medium-sized businesses – by scaling up clean hydrogen technologies and expanding their applications, it will strengthen the EU’s competitiveness and support SMEs by enabling innovative competitive clean solutions to be quickly put on the market.

The scientific community & academia – it will strengthen and integrate the EU’s scientific and technological capacities to help create and diffuse new high-quality knowledge.


Clean Hydrogen Joint Undertaking

Clean Hydrogen Joint Undertaking
Phone number
+32 2 221 81 48
Postal address

Avenue de la Toison d’Or 56-60
1060 Brussels

Social media