- Role: Collect, analyse and disseminate information for those involved in safety and health at work
- Executive Director: William Cockburn Salazar
- Established in: 1994
- Number of staff: 67
- Location: Bilbao (Spain)
- Website: EU-OSHA
EU-OSHA works to make European workplaces safer, healthier and more productive – for the benefit of businesses, employees and governments. The agency promotes a culture of risk prevention to improve working conditions in Europe.
What it does
- Anticipating change: Foresight projects highlight and study new and emerging OSH risks
- Facts and figures: gathering and disseminating information through the ESENER enterprise survey and OSH overviews on specific topics to identify priorities
- Tools for good OSH management: Online interactive Risk Assessment (OiRA) for small and medium-sized enterprises
- Raising awareness: through 2-year Healthy Workplaces Campaigns across Europe and NAPO films on workplace safety and health
- Networking knowledge: OSHwiki online encyclopaedia of accurate and reliable OSH information
- Strategic networking: partnerships with governments, employers’ and workers’ organisations
Who benefits
Who we aim to support:
- EU & national policy makers
- Firms, especially micro-firms & small firms
- Employees & their representatives
- Employers
- OSH professionals & researchers
- Members of the public in the EU.
Who we work with:
- Focal points & their networks
- Social partners
- National governments
- European institutions, bodies & committees
- EU Parliament - Employment Committee
- EU Commission - DG EMPL, DG GROW
- EASME – Enterprise Europe Network
- The Council of the EU
- Large enterprises & sectoral federations
- Preventive services
- OSH researchers
- Labour inspectors
- International & regional organisations.
Further information
European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
- Name
- European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
- Website
- https://osha.europa.eu/en
- information
osha [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Postal address
12 Santiago de Compostela (Edificio Miribilla) 5th Floor
48003 Bilbao Vizcaya
Spain- Social media