Priorities of the European Union 2019-2024 | European Union
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European Union priorities 2019-2024

EU strategic agenda for 2019-2024

Following the European elections in May 2019, the European Council set out 4 priority areas in its 2019-2024 strategic agenda to guide the work of the EU institutions over these 5 years. EU leaders sought to respond to the challenges and opportunities that the global situation had occasioned. 

The 4 priorities

Protecting citizens and freedoms

Ensuring effective control of the EU’s external borders and further developing a comprehensive migration policy. Fighting terrorism and cross-border/online crime, increasing the EU's resilience against both natural and human-made disasters.

Developing a strong and vibrant economic base

Building a resilient economy by deepening the Economic and Monetary Union to ensure that Europe is better prepared for future shocks, completing the banking and capital markets union, strengthening the international role of the euro, investing in skills and education, supporting Europe’s businesses, embracing digital transformation, and developing a robust industrial policy.

Building a climate-neutral, green, fair and social Europe

Investing in green initiatives that improve air and water quality, promote sustainable agriculture and preserve environmental systems and biodiversity. Creating an effective circular economy (where products are designed to be more durable, reusable, repairable, recyclable and energy-efficient) and a well-functioning EU energy market that provides sustainable, secure and affordable energy. A faster transition to renewables and energy efficiency, while reducing the EU’s dependency on outside energy sources. Implementing the European Pillar of Social Rights.

Promoting European interests and values on the global stage

Building a robust foreign policy based on an ambitious neighbourhood policy with 16 of its closest eastern and southern neighbours and a comprehensive partnership with Africa. Promoting global peace, stability, democracy and human rights. Ensuring a robust trade policy in line with multilateralism and the global rules-based international order. Taking greater responsibility for security and defence, while cooperating closely with NATO.

Commission priorities for 2019-2024

The President of the Commission determined 6 political priorities for the 2019-2024 mandate. They were derived from the Council’s strategic agenda and from discussions with the political groups of the European Parliament.

The 6 priorities

A European Green Deal

Transforming the EU into a modern, resource-efficient and competitive economy, while preserving Europe’s natural environment, tackling climate change and making Europe carbon-neutral and resource-efficient by 2050.

A Europe fit for the digital age

Embracing digital transformation by investing in businesses, research and innovation, reforming data protection, empowering people with the skills necessary for a new generation of technologies and designing rules to match.

An economy that works for people

Strengthening the EU economy while securing jobs and reducing inequalities, supporting businesses, deepening the Economic and Monetary Union and completing the banking and capital markets union.

A stronger Europe in the world

Strengthening the EU’s voice on the world stage by improving its standing as a champion of strong, open and fair trade, multilateralism and a rules-based global order. Boosting relations with neighbouring countries and partners as well as strengthening the EU’s ability to manage crises based on civilian and military capabilities.

Promoting our European way of life

Upholding fundamental rights and the rule of law as a bastion of equality, tolerance and social fairness. Addressing security risks, protecting and empowering consumers, as well as developing a system for legal and safe migration while effectively managing the EU’s external borders, modernising the EU’s asylum system and cooperating closely with partner countries.

A new push for European democracy

Strengthening Europe’s democratic processes by deepening relations with the European Parliament and national parliaments, protecting EU democracy from external interference, ensuring transparency and integrity throughout the legislative process, as well as engaging more widely with Europeans in shaping the EU’s future.

Commission’s achievements since 2019

Commission’s actions by topic