European Environment Agency - EEA | European Union
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  • Role: The EEA is Europe’s knowledge hub for environment, climate and sustainability.
  • Director: Leena Ylä-Mononen
  • Partners: EU countries, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Türkiye and Switzerland
  • Established in: 1990 (operational since 1994)
  • Number of staff: 300
  • Location: Copenhagen
  • Website: European Environment Agency

The European Environment Agency (EEA) is an agency of the European Union that delivers knowledge and data to support Europe's environment and climate goals. In collaboration with its partner network, Eionet, the EEA informs decision-makers and the public about the state of Europe’s environment, climate change and wider sustainability issues.

What it does

The EEA’s core tasks are defined in the founding EU regulation and include: 

  • supporting policy development and key global processes;
  • offering analytical expertise;
  • providing and maintaining an efficient reporting infrastructure for national and international data flows.

Who benefits

The EEA's main stakeholders are:

  • European Commission, European Parliament, Council of the EU and other EU institutions
  • governments and other national authorities in member states
  • NGOs, business representatives and think tanks
  • scientific and academic communities

One major audience is also the general public. The Agency aims to inform the public of environmental and climate change issues.

Further information

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European Environment Agency

European Environment Agency
Phone number
+45 33 36 71 00
Postal address

Kongens Nytorv 6
1050 København K

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