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European Investment Bank - Logo


  • Role: provides funding for projects that help to achieve EU aims, both within and outside the EU
  • President: Nadia Calviño
  • Board of Directors: comprises one director per EU country, plus one from the European Commission
  • Founded in: 1958
  • Location: Luxembourg
  • WebsiteEuropean Investment Bank

The European Investment Bank (EIB) is jointly owned by the EU countries. It seeks to:

  • boost Europe's potential in terms of jobs & growth
  • support action to mitigate climate change
  • promote EU policies outside the EU

What the EIB does

The Bank borrows money on capital markets and lends it on favourable terms to projects that support EU objectives. About 90 % of loans are made within the EU. None of the money comes from the EU budget.

The EIB provides 3 main types of products and services:

  • lending – about 90 % of its total financial commitment. The Bank lends to clients of all sizes to support growth and jobs, and this support often helps to attract other investors
  • 'blending' - allowing clients to combine EIB financing with additional investment
  • advising and technical assistance - maximising value for money

The EIB makes loans above EUR 25 million directly. Where smaller loans are involved, it opens credit lines for financial institutions that then lend funds to creditors.


All EU countries are shareholders in the EIB. Decisions are taken by the following bodies:

  • the Board of Governors, comprising ministers (mostly finance ministers) from all EU countries. It defines general lending policy.
  • the Board of Directors, chaired by the EIB President, which comprises 28 members appointed by the EU countries and one appointed by the European Commission. It approves lending and borrowing operations.
  • the Management Committee, the Bank's executive body, which handles day-to-day business.

The Audit Committee checks that EIB operations are conducted in a proper manner.

The Bank's departments implement management decisions.

How does the EIB work?

It makes borrowing and lending decisions, based on the merits of each project and the opportunities offered by financial markets. Within the EU, it has specific lending prioritiesOutside the EU, it supports the EU development and cooperation policies worldwide.

As an independent body, the Bank takes its own borrowing and lending decisions. It cooperates with other EU institutions, especially the European Commission, the European Parliament, and the Council of the EU.

The EIB and you

If you run a business or work in the public sector and you have a project that could contribute to achieving EU policy objectives, you could be eligible for an EIB loan. To apply, contact the EIB by infoatbei [dot] org (subject: EIB%20info) (email)web form or through its offices, providing sufficient information to enable the Bank to judge whether the project meets its lending objectives and has a well-developed business plan.


European Investment Fund - Logo


European Investment Fund (EIF)

The EIB is the majority shareholder of the European Investment Fund (EIF), which provides funding to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) through venture capital and risk finance instruments. Other shareholders are the European Commission and financial institutions from across Europe. Established in 1994, the Fund is active in all EU countries, prospective member countries, Liechtenstein and Norway.

EIF products include:

- venture capital and micro-financing for SMEs, particularly new and innovative companies
- guarantees for financial institutions, to cover loans to SMEs
- help for EU countries and those in the process of joining the EU to develop their risk capital markets

If you are an entrepreneur seeking finance, contact EIF intermediaries in your country to see if you are eligible for EIF equity and debt products.

Further information

Who's who in EIB

Who's who in EIF

EIB publications

EIF news and publications

Jobs in EIB

Jobs in EIF

Контактная информация

European Investment Bank (EIB)

Название /// Ф.И.О
European Investment Bank (EIB)
Номер телефона
+352 43 79 1
Номер факса
+352 43 77 04
Почтовый адрес

98-100 boulevard Konrad Adenauer
2950 Luxembourg

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