- Role: Ensuring safety and environmental protection in civil aviation in Europe
- Executive Director: Florian Guillermet
- Members: 27 EU countries + Iceland, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Norway
- Partners: European civil aviation authorities
- Established in: 2002
- Number of staff: 800+
- Location: Cologne (Germany)
- Website: European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)
The European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) is responsible for ensuring safety and environmental protection in air transport in Europe.
What it does
EASA's role includes:
- harmonising regulations and certification
- developing the single EU aviation market
- drawing up technical aviation rules
- type certification of aircraft & components
- approving companies that design, manufacture & maintain aeronautical products
- providing safety oversight and support to EU countries (e.g. on air operations, air traffic management)
- promoting European and global safety standards
- working with international stakeholders to improve safety in Europe (e.g. the 'EU air safety list' – a list of banned operators).
Who benefits
The European and international civil aviation community:
- European civil aviation authorities
- air operators & airlines
- European manufacturers/designers of aircraft & parts
- maintenance companies
- commercial & private pilots
- approved training organisations
- aero-medical centres
- air traffic controllers & air navigation services
- airports
Aircraft & aeronautical products covered:
- medium & large jets
- turboprop aircraft
- light aircraft
- rotary-wing aircraft (helicopters, gyroplanes)
- light sport aircraft (balloons, gliders, airships, civilian drones)
- engines, propellers, flight simulators
- some military aircraft (e.g. the A400M airlifter)
Further information
European Union Aviation Safety Agency
- Name
- European Union Aviation Safety Agency
- Website
- https://www.easa.europa.eu/
- info
easa [dot] europa [dot] eu
- Phone number
- +49 221 8999 000
- Fax number
- +49 221 8999 099
- Postal address
Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 3
50668 D-50668 Köln