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Decentralised agency

European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA)

European Union Agency for Asylum - Logo


  • Role: Support the national authorities of EU countries to implement the Common European Asylum System by providing operational and technical assistance.
  • Executive Director: Ms. Nina Gregori
  • Set up: 2022
  • Number of staff: 500+
  • Location:  Valletta, Malta
  • Website: EUAA

The European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) is a decentralised EU agency that provides operational and technical support, and training to the national authorities of EU countries. This helps them implement EU law on asylum and bring greater convergence to asylum proceedings and reception conditions.

What it does

The EUAA offers a wide range of operational and technical support to EU countries. With the aim of bringing greater convergence to asylum and reception practices across the EU, in line with the high standards of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS), the Agency can:

  • quickly deploy operational assistance to EU countries facing migratory pressure 
  • draw on a permanent Asylum Reserve Pool of 500 national officials who are available to the Agency and can be quickly deployed anywhere across the EU
  • build a broad asylum training curriculum for national officials, to achieve its aim of becoming the EU’s accreditation body for international protection matters
  • protect the fundamental rights of asylum seekers by:
    • appointing a ‘Fundamental Rights Officer’
    • establishing a complaints mechanism
    • strengthening the role of civil society organisation and NGOs
  • improve coordination with countries of origin and transit by:
    • appointing liaison officers in non-EU countries
    • working with authorities in non-EU countries to help build asylum and reception capacity that is in line with international law.

As of 31 December 2023, the Agency will begin monitoring how EU countries implement EU law on asylum and reception practices. The drawing up of recommendations to remedy shortcomings will begin on the day that the Dublin Regulation is replaced or otherwise updated.

Who benefits?

Those who mainly benefit are the officials and practitioners working with the national authorities in EU countries and who are responsible for:

  • assessing and managing asylum and international protection applications
  • ensuring adequate reception conditions.

In addition, the Agency prepares and provides impartial information on the state of asylum and migration in the EU, to both specialist audiences and the wider public.

Further information

Latest news

Press releases


EUAA Regulation


European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA)

European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA)
infoateuaa [dot] europa [dot] eu
Phone number
+356 22487500
Postal address

Winemakers Wharf
Malta MRS 1917

Social media