Institutions concerned by the procedure:
- European Council
- European Commission
- European Parliament
- EU Council Presidency
Strategic agenda
European Council (27 heads of state or government from all EU countries) defines priorities for the next 5 years.
EU institutions and countries work together to put these priorities into practice. The European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council issue joint conclusions.
Together, these priorities make up the strategic agenda.
Priorities of the European Commission
Political guidelines of the Commission for the next 5 years.
They are decided by the candidate for Commission President and presented to the European Parliament plenary session.
They are then converted into mission statements for each candidate commissioner and presented to the relevant Parliament Committee.
Priorities of the EU Council Presidency
3 upcoming presidencies agree on their shared priorities for the next 18 months, with the Presidency changing every 6 months.
They are decided by the country that holds the Presidency with the aim of strengthening the EU and promoting its core values.
They are defined bearing in mind pressing issues for the EU.
Priorities of the European Parliament
Each political group selects priorities that reflect the issues their voters consider crucial for the next 5 years.
8 political groups organised by political affinity, not nationality.
How does it work in practice?
- State of the Union and Letter of Intent
Every year in September, the Commission President kicks off preparation of the Commission’s annual work programme with the State of the Union address and Letter of Intent, drawing on the Commission’s Strategic Foresight Report.
- Discussions
The Commission starts discussions with the Parliament and the EU Council on the priorities for the next year.
- EC annual work programme
The Commission obtains the views of the Committee of the Regions and the European Economic and Social Committee to feed into its annual work programme.
- Annual Joint Declaration
The Commission, Parliament and Council issue a joint declaration on the EU’s priorities to enable swift action and ensure there will be the political impetus to deliver on these priorities.