Plan a visit to an EU institution | European Union
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Visit a European Union institution

Welcome to the EU institutions

The European Union institutions are open to visitors from around the world to learn more about the EU and get an understanding of their work. 

With sites in several major European cities, the institutions offer a variety of options to visitors. Some institutions provide interactive on-site visitor centres, some allow physical access to their buildings, and some organise tailor-made presentations and discussions involving their staff.

Whatever form a visit to an EU institution takes, visitors are guaranteed an interactive and educational experience. Students and tourists alike will see and learn first-hand how the EU works. And have fun, too.

Open Day and virtual tours

Each year, to celebrate Europe Day, the EU institutions open their doors to the public in early May in Brussels and Strasbourg. Local EU offices in Europe and across the world organise a variety of activities and events for all ages. 

The EU’s Open Day offers a unique opportunity for you to discover how the European institutions affect your life. You can step inside the buildings and take part in special activities, such as public debates and guided tours. 

And if you can’t visit in person, you could always take a ‘virtual tour’. Several institutions offer virtual access to their buildings, so you can discover how the EU works from the comfort of your own home.

Click on each city section to open a full list of the possible venues, along with a link for more detailed information.