Living in the EU, your rights | European Union
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Living in the European Union

Your rights – and how to use them

EU citizenship is granted automatically to anyone who holds the nationality of an EU country. Some rights and benefits derive from national law, and these may differ from country to country. Other rights derive from EU law and are therefore the same in all EU countries. These EU rights extend to everyday life – from shopping and driving to healthcare and family/relationship issues.

As an EU national, you have the right to live and move within the EU without being discriminated against on the grounds of nationality. You can also benefit from greater consumer protection than in your home country and, provided you meet certain requirements, can access healthcare anywhere in the EU.

The Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union  (Article 18) and the Charter of Fundamental Rights (Chapter V) spell out your EU citizenship rights.

Follow the links below for more information on your rights as an EU national living in the EU and learn what to do if your rights have been infringed.

EU residency rights

Information on your rights to live in another EU country, the rights of any of your family members to join you, and the paperwork needed if you and/or your family move to another EU country.

Healthcare across the EU

Information on your rights to planned or unplanned medical treatment in another EU country, the documents you’ll need, reimbursement rules, and how to buy medicines in another EU country and get reimbursed.

Consumer rights & refunds

Information on your rights and the rules on buying goods and services in the EU. How to request refunds and resolve disputes.

Family law in other EU countries

Information on your rights, and EU rules and principles on all aspects of family/relationship issues. This includes adoption and child abduction, marriage, divorce, child maintenance obligations, and planning/managing cross-border inheritances. There’s also advice on how to get public documents accepted in another EU country.

Cars & driving licences

Information on your rights and EU rules on cars – from buying or selling a car to getting or exchanging a driver’s licence. There’s also advice on the documents needed and formalities to follow to use your vehicle.