Featured news
All featured news are available in the 24 EU official languages via machine translation.
People all around Europe are celebrating Erasmus+, the EU's programme to support education, training, youth and sport. From 14 to 19 October 2024, you can join one of over 10,000 Erasmus Days+ events which promote opportunities for education, cultural exchange, and international collaboration.
Newly adopted EU rules will improve working conditions for the more than 28 million people working in digital labour platforms across the EU. They will help people benefit from their labour rights, and make the use of automated human resource procedures more transparent.
The EU has adopted new rules on air quality standards that will help prevent premature deaths due to air pollution. They will also contribute to the EU's objective of zero pollution by 2050 and permit EU citizens to seek compensation in cases where EU air quality rules are not respected.
Learn more
The common principles and values that underlie life in the EU: freedom, democracy, equality and the rule of law, promoting peace and stability.
Discover the EU’s priorities for 2024-2029, promoting a free and democratic Europe, developing a strong and secure Europe, establishing a prosperous and competitive Europe.
Find out how many EU Member States there are, how big the EU economy is, how people live in the EU, and other useful facts about the EU.
Discover what the EU does for citizens, how it protects rights, promotes prosperity and strives to make the world a safer place.
Learn more about the EU in these handy publications on how the EU works, from the euro and law, to history and travel.