Make a complaint | European Union
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How to make a complaint

Complaints about infringements of EU law

In most cases, you can enforce your rights better in the country where you live. However, the European Union offers resources which may be of use to you.

The European Commission

If you believe an EU country has infringed EU law by

  • implementing a measure (adopting a law or regulation or taking administrative action),
  • failing to take a given measure, or
  •  engaging in a given practice,

you can lodge a complaint with the European Commission.

The European Ombudsman

The European Ombudsman investigates complaints from individuals, businesses and organisations about maladministration by EU institutions, bodies and agencies. 

The European Parliament

You can submit a petition to the European Parliament about the application of EU law.

European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF)

You can report fraud involving EU funding/EU staff to OLAF.

Redress at national level

Taking up a breach of EU law with national bodies or authorities is often the quickest and most effective way to resolve an issue. Public authorities and national courts are the main players responsible for applying EU law. This means it is in your interests to make use of all possible means of redress at national level.

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