Featured news
All featured news are available in the 24 EU official languages via machine translation.

The EU is investing €1.3 billion to roll out critical technologies that are strategically important for the future of Europe and the EU’s tech sovereignty. Work will focus on boosting the use of AI and its uptake by businesses and public administration, cyber resilience and digital skills.

Bologna has won the European Mobility Week Award for its work in making sustainable mobility more accessible through Car-Free Days, information stands, and educational activities. Czech association Pěšky městem won the Mobility Action Award for promoting active mobility in 501 schools.

The EU has proposed a raft of measures to ensure Europe's wine sector remains competitive and resilient in the face of shifting demographics, changing consumption patterns and climate change. The measures will unlock new market opportunities and help maintain the vitality of many rural areas.
Learn more
The common principles and values that underlie life in the EU: freedom, democracy, equality and the rule of law, promoting peace and stability.
Discover the EU’s priorities for 2024-2029, promoting a free and democratic Europe, developing a strong and secure Europe, establishing a prosperous and competitive Europe.
Find out how many EU Member States there are, how big the EU economy is, how people live in the EU, and other useful facts about the EU.
Discover what the EU does for citizens, how it protects rights, promotes prosperity and strives to make the world a safer place.
Learn more about the EU in these handy publications on how the EU works, from the euro and law, to history and travel.