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The common principles and values that underlie life in the EU: freedom, democracy, equality and the rule of law, promoting peace and stability.

Discover the EU’s priorities for 2019-2024: promoting a green Europe, developing the economic base, protecting citizens and their freedoms.

How the EU budget is funded and spent, managing EU funds, areas of expenditure, fact check on the EU budget.

Discover what the EU does for citizens, how it protects rights, promotes prosperity and strives to make the world a safer place.

Teaching material, games and much more about the European Union and its activities, for children, teenagers, teachers and parents.

Learn more about the EU in these handy publications on how the EU works, from the euro and law, to history and travel.

Featured news

All featured news are available in the 24 EU official languages via machine translation.

People taking part in the European Citizens' Panel
  • Press release

In June 2024, Europeans voted and elected their representatives in the European Parliament. This was democracy in action, but it is not the only way EU citizens can influence EU policy making. Read about other ways to get involved, from helping initiate new proposals to debating existing policies.

The statuette of Themis, goddess of divine justice
  • News article

The Commission has published its fifth annual Rule of Law Report which monitors significant developments and takes stock of the rule of law situation in all EU countries. It shows that the EU is better equipped to face rule of law challenges than it was 5 years ago.

The EasyPASS system at Frankfurt am Main (Germany) Airport custom
  • News article

A recent survey showed many Europeans still feel that they lack sufficient information on their passenger rights. The Commission has published revised guidelines on air passenger rights, including the rights of persons with disabilities and persons with reduced mobility when travelling by air.