Education and training – EU support | European Union
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Education, Training and Youth

Supporting quality education, training and social cohesion

The EU supports Member States in their efforts to provide the best education and training for their citizens. It also promotes multilingualism in Europe, helping with the teaching and learning of languages, encouraging mobility of students, trainees, teachers and young people, and facilitating exchanges of information and experience.

The EU sets out the framework for EU countries to exchange best practices and learn from each other, with an aim to:

  • make lifelong learning and mobility a reality
  • improve the quality and efficiency of education and training
  • promote equity, social cohesion and active citizenship
  • enhance creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship

To reach the objectives set out in the education and training framework, the EU implements policies in sectors such as:

In the field of youth, the EU sets out a framework for cooperation among Member States through the EU Youth Strategy.

Through the Erasmus+ programme, the EU also provides funding, tools and resources for individuals, organisations and policy reform, in areas such as:

  • study, training and development for students, trainees and education professionals abroad
  • opportunities abroad for young people and youth workers
  • opportunities for organisations to develop partnerships for innovation in education, training and youth
  • knowledge exchange and policy reform to support growth, jobs, equity and social inclusion within Europe
  • More on the Erasmus+ programme

The European Solidarity Corps creates opportunities for young people to volunteer or work in projects in their own country or abroad that benefit communities and people around Europe.