Safe and sustainable transport | European Union
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Safe, sustainable and connected transport

EU transport policy helps keep the European economy moving by developing a modern infrastructure network that makes journeys quicker and safer, while promoting sustainable and digital solutions.

Transport is a cornerstone of European integration and is vital for fulfilling the free movement of individuals, services and goods. Transport is also a major contributor to the economy, representing more than 9% of EU gross value added (the contribution to the economy). Transport services alone accounted for around €664 billion in gross value added in 2016 and they employ around 11 million people.

The implementation of sustainable and innovative means of transport plays an important role in the EU’s energy and climate objectives. As our societies become ever more mobile, EU policy supports transport systems to meet the major challenges:

  • congestion: which affects both road and air traffic
  • sustainability: transport still depends on oil for most of its energy needs, which is environmentally and economically untenable
  • air quality: by 2050, the EU must cut transport emissions by 60% compared with 1990 levels, and continue to reduce vehicle pollution
  • infrastructure: the quality of transport infrastructure is uneven across the EU
  • competition: the EU’s transport sector faces growing competition from fast-developing transport markets in other regions